Pixie Kitty Network (Page 2)
"Born from a Wish"
I really liked this layout; it was something different from my usual cheerful
designs. I was in a rut and sorta feeling down when I produced this layout. It
features Maria from Silent Hill 2. I played this game and I fell in complete
love with it ^^. Must be why I loved this layout so.
"Are You Tough Enough?"
I was in a blue mood when I made this layout. I had just gone through some hard
times, and it reflected in my design. I really liked the "tough girl" aura this
layout had about it, and even though I have no idea what anime this girl is
from, she looks awesome! Hehe.
"It's Meoweriffic!"
It seemed like the either the traffic increased or just more people signed my
guest book when I had this layout up. Either way I loved this layout more than
any of the others. This was probably my most favorite layout so far for my
domain. I really wasn't going to change it, but I have to keep changing
layouts..otherwise it'll get boring ;) This layout featured a super cute little
kitty girl asleep at a table. so cyoooote! ^_^
Ahh, my 2001 Holiday layout! I got a lot of compliments that the picture I used
for this layout was very cute. I really liked it, and the minute that I saw
it..I thought "I HAVE to use that somehow!", so I did! :) I wish I would have
made it a bit more colorful though. Oh well! It served it's purpose.
"FFX Rikku"
It was a bit tough to fit all the pictures together, but all-in-all I think it
turned out pretty good. It looked absolutely horrid in any resolution other than
1024x768 though, so I don't think I kept it up for too long. This was my first
FF10 layout and probably will not be my last. ;)
"Pixie Fire"
I loved this layout so much! I really didn't want to replace it, but it was
getting old. I think I had this layout up for about a month and a half....even
though I don't really keep track ;) I'm not sure what anime these characters are
from, but I found this picture in a wallpaper archive somewhere on the internet
and thought it would be a GREAT picture to use for a layout! It worked out
better than I expected it to!
Hmm, well I thought I'd go a bit different with the color on this one and
went with the color green. My good friend Nicky scanned this picture a few
months back after she got this cute little pencil divider thing at the Comicon
convention we went to. It features Mint from Animal Magnetism. Isn't she the
cutest!? My mom didn't like this one much for some reason because she said it
was too dark and dreary. I guess I was sort of in a dreary mood when I made it
now that I think about it. This is also the current layout of PixieKitty.NET.
Atomic Purple
As you can see, I love using the color purple for layouts. It featured a
character from the anime, Sentimental Graffiti. It is one of my favorites so
far. I feel like it was different than anything I've ever done before because it
is a unique blend of pinks and purples and it was the first time I actually did
something creative with menu. I put it in a flower. I also got compliments for
the way I put the girl at an angel. It was so hard to let go of this layout, but
I love making layouts so I try not to keep any one layout for too long.