Updated 08/22/02
Welcome to Ragazza, an image gallery of female video game
characters. The word 'Ragazza' is Italian for 'girl'. (just in case you were
wondering) This site is graphics intensive so it may take a bit to load. I have
worked very hard to make this site enjoyable and as functional as possible. If
you find any broken picture links please e-mail me and let me know ASAP! :D I
plan on adding new galleries and pictures to this site periodically, so it will
continue to get larger. If you would like to use an image from one of my
galleries for your own layout or gallery you're welcome to..I only ask one thing
LINK ME PLEASE! That's all I ask. I've put so much time and work into
this site so be considerate; it's not that difficult. Okay enough of that. Enjoy
my galleries and have fun!
Viewing Requirements: 1024x768
Resolution, Internet Explorer 5.0+, Verdana font