
"Portrait of an Angel"

This layout was tough to pull off and well, it was a mess. It looks pretty nice in this screen cap, but it was *so* resolution sensitive! If even the smallest thing changed, the pictures in the frames didn't match up  anymore! :( I didn't keep this layout for long at all because of this.

"Summer Fever"

Yeah. I really liked this layout but it was sort of boring after about a month, even though I left it up for a reallly long time..Ahh you gotta love the lazy people like me ;)

"Summer Fever"

Summer Fever! I really like this layout! It's actually the current layout for my personal site. I plan on keeping this layout the entire summer so I can have time to make other new layouts and sites before summer ends. This is one of my favorites for sure. The image on the side actually took some effort to edit. I searched and found a picture of a beach, and then found that cute anime girl from the anime "Sentimental Graffiti". So I put them together and woolaa! A cute tropical anime pic. ^^ Perfect for a summer/tropical layout! 

"Dreaming of Unicorns"

This is the layout I made after the classic "Jamie" layout above. It defiantly wasn't equally pleasing as the original, but I decided it was time for a major change to my personal site. The name "JK Web 2001" just seemed to blahh. So I came up with the new name "Dreamer", and sported it with a pair of Unicorns leaping over the menu bar in tables. Not one of my favorites, but it served its purpose well.

"JK Web 2001"

AHH! This is my favorite layout of ALL time! It was the very first layout for my personal site that actually required skill! This layout came waaay back when my personal site was like "JK Web 2001" and way before I got my own domain. It featured lots of tables and frames, and my cat Paw >^.^< Back then, Paw was the mascot for my sites. I kept this layout for a really long time, and it was *very* difficult to let it go. It's a classic "Jamie" layout for sure. It even got me a job in web design. 


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