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Fiona Belli - Haunting Ground AKA Demento

Debuted: Ohayocon 2007
Worn at: Ohayocon 2007

Notes:   I instantly knew that I wanted to cosplay as Fiona when I got into playing this game! It's such an under-rated game that deserves so much more love! I went out of my way to make this costume as accurate as possible (even though I opted not to get a wig for it). I even went as far as to have my friend Winters Knight paint the scar she has on her back on me with brown eye shadow! I did end up running out of time on this one, so my friend Winters Knight did a lot of work on the shirt for me while I worked on parts of her Gun Mage Paine costume! If it weren't for her I wouldn't have finished this costume for this convention! I had lost all muse and inspiration to finish this costume right before the convention.

 This costume has been sold.

Ohayocon 2007

Daniella: WintersKnight

Photos by Lionel:

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