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Rikku - Final Fantasy X

Debuted:  Katsucon 2005
Worn at: Katsucon 2005, Anime Expo 2005
Award(s): Craftsmanship for precision and use of color at Katsucon 2005

Notes: This costume is very special to me; I won my first award with it. I was so proud to walk on stage to get that! I also wore it in a skit (my first skit also) called "Rikku Can't Dance" with Reiko and Sir Auron as Yuna and Auron. I had SO much fun in this thing! So many memories were made while wearing it! I also make a mini Wakka costume for my stuffed monkey, Hamham. hehehe. It was really cute and amusing.

Katsucon 2005

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Skit Photos:
The black tube top I wore under the shirt showed during my dancing in the skirt ;_; So if you're wondering what the black thing is, that is the answer! Rar! I pretty much just danced around Auron and Yuna to a song from my favorite movie, The Hot Chick, until they got irritated and left. I kept dancing after the music stopped and eventually realized there is no music and ran off stage.

Thank you so much ng-master.comcrossplay.com and digitalcosplay.com for capturing these!! These are in the order they happened in our skit...I think lol.

Title: Rikku Can't Dance
Song: Stick em' -Liquid Todd And Dr. Luke 
Yuna: Reiko 
Auron: Sir Auron
Watch the skit in .WMV format. 
(Right-click and save as to actually download)

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